I am using the Unreal Engine 5 VR Template, no problems trying to open the project. I have steamVR open, all my devices being tracked and used, livelink even detecting it, the HMD showing the loading screen of my project, but the engine fails to enable the HMD in PIE, or the VR preview. I know for a fact because I used the “Is Head Mounted Display Enabled” node in the PawnVR blueprint showing up as false, but the “Is Head Mounted Display Connected” showing up as true. If I use the “Enable HMD” node, it crashes my GPU, causing the editor and then my mousepointer to freeze before cutting to black. I would have to CTRL-ALT-F4 my way out each time. I tried the -XRtrackingonly application target parameter but it didn’t change anything.
Additionally the console would spew
“LogLiveLinkOpenVR: Error: IVRInput::Get*ActionData for ‘LeftShoulder’ failed with result 13”
And for every other VR Input Action in the console every tick for BOTH the Editor and Runtime.
Im using a Valve Index HMD, base station, and controllers, and this issue has consistently happened under SteamVR betas 2.9.6, 2.7.5, and the current version. Only happens to unreal engine.
My graphics card is an AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a project with the UE5 VR template.
- Windows → Virtual production → Livelink → +Source → LiveLinkXR source
- Enable all connections: HMD, controllers, etc.
- Test in PIE
- If Fails, add a ‘Enable HMD’ node to PawnVR Blueprint’s Begin Play Event.
- imply fail to connect HMD or crash.