UE5.4 -- MRQ Does Not Render Event Track Calls From Sequencer

I am utilizing Event Tracks in UE5.4’s Sequencer, which calls subsequences in a level to be played back in a master sequence when triggered. This is an animation technique I am helping work on which currently is successful in playing back in the Editor where everything appears and is called correctly.

The current problem I am facing, is when I go to render the master sequence in Movie Render Queue, the events from the “subsequences” do not appear in the render. Oddly enough, if I attempt a Legacy render, I seem to get some of the events to appear, but never the entire components of the animation; and not always the same events consistently.

The goal of course is to have this rendered with Movie Render Queue. Clearly with Event Tracks there is some element to why only the Master Sequence is loaded and played back in the render but not the “subsequences”. If it is just not compatible this way or something is broken in 5.4, then I am looking for guidance please. But hopefully there is a way to override this and have MRQ read the events from the master level sequence event tracks.

Further details about the situation to help understand this process:

  1. I keep putting “subsequences” in writing here because they are not utilizing subsequence tracks; they are level sequences (using the same map), but each level sequence is referenced in the Master sequence Director BP being called through Event Track triggers.

  1. Yes. I have “Call in Editor” enabled on the triggers. This is how I am able to view the events in realtime in the viewport which are playing correctly.

  1. I have tried using a BP Interface and passing the event triggers through a target to the Level Blueprint in hopes that would make a difference (idk this was a shot in the dark I have no docu of that it would’ve been a more cumbersome task anyway), but this did not work either.

  2. The lighting occuring in the roadsigns are actual subsequences on loop as this was a proven technique, but that is why they are the only thing working correctly in the final result.

5.Here is a look at the Director Seq BP and Macro to understand how these sequences are called:

To sum this up… I am an animator and designer at heart and do not have a large experience with game dev. Any help or assistance understanding how to fix this, or even the internal differences between how MRQ and Legacy process rendering through the UE5 engine is greatly appreciated. Hoping to make this workflow worth it!

Hey there, I was wonderng if you managed to solve this, I’m trying to call events in sequencer, which works in sequencer but doesn’t work/show up in the MRQ when im rendering