UE5.4 mobile HDR for Quest VR


I was utilizing Oculus Tone Mapping in my project. Details described here. In short, I had to use Oculus fork of UE for this feature to work.

When reading through UE5.4 release logs, I came across following text:

  • Added Vulkan custom resolve + tonemap subpass to support mobile hdr on Meta quest devices.

Today I installed official UE5.4 on my computer (without MetaXR plugin). I packaged apk and tested the game, feature was not working initially.

Then I enabled Mobile-HDR in the project settings as below:

After that, I packaged once more, and it works!

So I want to ask two questions:

  1. Is it safe to use it this way in terms of performance? In Oculus branch, it was safe, because it was not causing the “standard” mobile-hdr negative performance impact, but was only enabling specific features such as LUTs, vignette and etc (described here) with minimal performance impact. When I enabled it, my SpaceSky color changed, so I started wondering if it is ok.

  2. If we enable mobile-hdr, to we need to modify any other options in the project settings?

It’s not typically necessary to modify other settings when enabling Mobile-HDR, but check the project’s post-processing settings to ensure they align with your performance and visual quality goals. Always test thoroughly on target devices.

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In 5.4 we currently only support Tonemap Subpass w. HDR. Tonemap Subpass w. LDR is supported on Meta’s fork, and we’re looking at taking those changes sometime in the future.

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Thank you for clarification @VictorLerp .

So, then I suppose it is still not recommended to use Mobile-HDR for Quest devices because of performance then, right?

@RafigRzayev Im curious how your experience was.

Starting from the vrTemplate, the only way to enable Mobile HDR is to disable desktopTAA on mobile. After that and building for Quest, you get glitches and one black eye. You have to disable MobileMultiview AND switch from MSAA to TAA to get it working on Quest but the AA looks just horrible.

The alternative to get mobile HDR is to switch the mobile shading method to deferred but then you’re in the same situation again; you need to disable MSAA and mobile multiview to get things working again but that results in a big framedrop and blurry graphics (due tot TAA).

Any suggestions @VictorLerp how to enable HDR (for bloom and exposure) on Quest and still have decent performance and visual quality?

@maxbrown I don’t think these features are supported. Reason why I used mobile-hdr is this - https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unreal/unreal-tonemapping/

And for this feature I had to switch to oculus version of unreal. But I want to use standard UE, that’s why was hoping maybe these functionalities have been merged.

check my post here https://www.reddit.com/r/unrealengine/comments/16278ed/infraredcamera_effect_for_quest_2_vr/