UE5.4 - Metahumans Rendering and LOD issue

Hi all, I hope you are all doing well!
I recently migrated some of my Metahumans from 5.3 to 5.4 and I noticed some issues in the rendering and LODs. I am using an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti with the latest studio drivers (552.22).
Does Anyone experienced the same issue?

Scene in UE5.3:

Scene in UE5.4 in a fresh new level:

I did update the MTHs in MTC and imported from Quixel bridge.

Many thanks in advance for your answers!

In case you are referring to the Groom, I noticed the same problems.
In 5.3, the Groom disappearing at distance could be solved by adjusting the LOD_Sync settings and setting it to 0.

In 5.4, its a bit more work:

Open the Metahuman Blueprint, click here in the outliner:

And then set forced lod to 0

Then you click on the Groom, e.g. Hair. and Search for LOD on the Details Panel.
I then set it to Never Distance Cull

And lastly, you open up your Groom, go to the LOD tab and set LOD mode to Manual

That should fix it :slight_smile: