It IS bringing in the USD, definitely - it’s made the static mesh and the materials and textures, because I can open them in the Content Browser. But yeah, in the Cloth Asset there’s nothing in there.
Just an update. I heard directly from Epic, and the USDImport feature is definitely not able to work with the Cloth Asset in UE5.4 Preview 1 - for those who stumble on this thread later.
The full capabilities will only be available in UE5…4 proper release on April 20, 2024.
I´m in Unreal 5.4 just released today, and I´m creating a cloth asset , and adding a USD exported from Marvelous Desinger in the first node, but suddenly Unreal crashes.
How did you do it man? When I export on Marvelous Designer, it splits everything up…how do you fuse everything together first? Am I importing it wrong?
okay, I followed Marvelous Designer tips ( on how to merge everything into one. Now I am at the step where I am importing it as Static Mesh Import. I think the file is huge so its taking time…will leave computer alone and come back later and let you know but no crash yet, fingers crossed.
I’ve try to use the static mesh.
What I did is to imoirt USD file as a static meshes into engine.
Then I’ve merged it all into one mesh.
Then use the node import static mesh. It appears with 2d seams like in marvelous.
But when Iam choose the skeletal mesh it doesnt transfer any weights in this error:
As I remeber they did promiss that the cloth will works directly throught geometry and no need for physics assets, but in this module you need to setup the phisics asset. But looks like it doesnt work.
Here is the steps that will help you to recreate my result:
in MD use quandratuate option. Dont use too clothe point distance (i use 10).
in MD export as USD a Thin and no avatar, and default scale (mm)
import in UE the usd file as a SM
trnasfer all mesh parts into the scene and set it 0 0 0 coordinates
merge this parts in one Static Mesh
chek the scale and position with MTH body asset - should be fit fine
import to chaos cloth as a static mesh and go through all way
btw setting 0 for the cloth distnace at neck points doesnt help to made the cloth stay at the object. It still falls down.
And if we disable phisics asset - the cloth just fall down.
I hope someone wise will help to solve this question. And it is very sad that Epic didnt launch the documentation about it.