UE5.4 can no longer find PublicIncludPaths?

I just upgraded my project from UE5.3 to 5.4. I have an include path to add header files:


but it longer can find any header file inside that directory after regenerating project files. Compiler generates huge numbers of missing identifier errors.
I have changed nothing since UE5.3

yet when I use VS’s assist to add the header as an example:
it adds include “…/…/…/…/Plugins/ChronoPlugin/Source/ChronoPlugin/Public/Common.h”
in an ugly relative pathing, but it all works fine.

Revert your changes. Delete project SLN file, and then right click on uproject file and choose Generate Visual Studio Project File. If that does not work, I would also try to delete DerivedDataCache, Intermediates, Saved and Build. Also, once it took me like 3-4 times to do this over and over, before it would start to work. Why… I can’t tell :smiley:

IMPORTANT: Backup any files before you delete them.

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Thank you, this did the trick. I also had to clear my plugin intermediates and binaries. I must have had a bunch of left over 5.3 build files

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