UE5.4 (and 5.4.1) shadows are broken in VR (VR Template, default settings)

I am having this exact same issue! going mad for a fix.

Will this patch fix Deferred Rendering (CSM) + instanced stereo?

Yes fixes csm on both rendering paths

I will try this fix, but everyone in my team will have to dot it. I just don’t think moving to unreal 5.4 is viable until its fixed by default.

This issue is still quite persistent. I have a post process shader and what’s happening is all my shadows and lighting post processing is happening in my right eye, and there’s no lighting information, ambient occlusion or anything happening in my left eye.

Non of this has fixed it so far :frowning:

dynamic shadow is still broken, which made it unuseable, I’m going back to 5.3

Thank you, this gave us a working solution!

The shadow flickering issue in the left eye still persists when using VR in a large UE 5.4.3. project

As a temporary fix you can use the console command “r.shadow.virtual.onepassprojection 0” which fixes the flickering but has a huge performance cost.

Here is some information on the settings/hardware that I am using:

GPU: RTX 4090
CPU: I9-13900K

Nanite - Enabled
Lumen - Enabled

Shadow Map Method - Virtual Shadow Maps

Lumen Settings
Use Hardware Ray Tracing when available - Enabled
Ray Lighting Mode - Hit lighting for Reflections
High Quality Translucency Reflections - Enabled
Software Ray Tracing Mode - Detail Tracing
Ray Traced Translucent Refractions - Enabled

Hardware Ray Tracing Settings
Ray Traced Shadows - Disabled

VR Settings
Stereo Foveation Level - High
Dynamic Foveation - Enabled
Instanced Stereo - Enabled
Mobile HDR - Disabled
Mobile Multi-view - Enabled
Round Robin Occlusion Queries - Enabled

DLSS Settings
DLSS - Enabled
DLSS Mode - Ultra Performance

Is this bug still being worked on?
Is there an ETA for when this issue will be fixed in VR?


I am reporting that the issue is still present in my left eye as of 5.4.3.

Is this any different in 5.4.4?

Still broken in 5.4.4 . Started new VR template, changed light to movable, broken shadow in left eye.

I was hoping for a fix, but it is still broken in 5.4.4. So it is still unusable for our VR-Projects. I hope, this will get some priority for future releases.

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Hello this does not fix dynamic spotlight shadows… (since ue 4.x versione everything workerd fine) but dynamic spotligth shadows stop working…