UE5.4.0 usage extremely laggy

Disable the Studio Telemetry Plugin

Check the Studio Telemetry Plugin

Disable the Studio Telemetry Plugin

I tried disabling the Studio telemetry plugin but still the same - only fixes the lag issue when foliage is set to low. Setting it to medium will make the editor unusable again. I did this multiple times. Also, my disk ustilization is still low, same with enabled telemetry.

Another thing I noticed is the paragon characten or dragon character in the level are also causing the lag. When I hide them in the outliner, the editor becomes responsive.

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Disabling the telemetry plugin did nothing for me, whereas setting r.rhithread.enable=0 mostly mitigated the rhythmic hitching I would get every few frames.
So much for UE5.4s new renderer parallelization?

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I just updated to UE5.4.2, but unfortunately, the official team still hasn’t fixed this bug. The way to temporarily work around this severe lag issue is by disabling the Studio Telemetry plugin.

I don’t think it something they can hotfix unfortunately. There are limitations as to what can get put into those.

Is there a way to permanently disable the Studio Telemetry Plugin until it is fixed?
Whenever i open a project i have to disable to plugin again and again cause it keeps enabling itself when the project is closed down.

It should save to the uproj file. Maybe try and manually take it out of there or set it to False?

Same issue. But for me none of the above solutions fully fix it. Disabling “r.rhithread.enable 0” reduces the stuttering about 50%. But it also costs about 20 frames of performance doing that. I opened my project in 5.3 and there is no stuttering whatsoever. Even with an empty project, 5.4.2 stutters.

I definitely noticed that there is a performance drop. But even if the fps hovers around 60, there is significant stuttering.

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I am experiencing the same issue but neither disabling the Studio Telemetry Plugin nor setting r.rhithread.enable 0 fixes the issue:
I am still getting this ugly saw FPS graph that causes stutters

What’s really weird is that it sometimes goes away and comes back on its own, without anything whatsoever changing in the level or assets.

According to the insights, it’s UTexture:::ForceRebuildPlatformData, but I can’t figure out what calls it or why. It happens every 0.5 roughly…

All that google tells me is that this function exists, that’s about it:

So I have no clue how to solve this :confounded:


Ok this was a bug. It will be fixed in 5.4.3. In the meantime running the DerivedDataCacheCommandlet (ie: -run=DerivedDataCache) should fix it. This is due to missing mips not being rebuilt correctly. If you can take code change this should already be available on git.


Thanks a lot. I will wait for official hotfix. I could be able to apply a patch from git but maintaining my own UE build would open a big can of worms :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Try putting the project on a solid-state drive

Disabling the Telemetry Plugin worked for me.


After trying everything else, still experiencing heavy fps drops from 120 dipping all the way to 3, this was what actually worked. Thank you.

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Just wanted to stop by and extend our thanks Shaun for getting this fix into the 5.4.3 hot fix. Not only is the stutter completely gone, but my engine performance on our project is better than any previous engine version. My project is insanely stable now. Thanks again! :pray:

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Thanks for being a part of reporting it! We don’t always have as much time as we’d like to be on the forums but this feedback is really really helpful.


I’ve just upgrade to UE5.4.3, but the bug still exsits. When I switch to chrome/explorer for a short while and then switch back to UE, it begins to lag.

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Update: Disabling telemetry plugin solved the issues