Change ‘vr.PixelDensity 1.0’ to 0.8 or something around this value in the VRPawn blueprint
On my Varjo Aero with a PPD of 39 and the pixel density set to around 0.8 the largest region of the right eye renders some strange b/w texture, looks like some debugging stuff. I don’t know how to get the right eye rendered to the desktop, so I took a photo with my phone:
At the top you can see the next stripe coming in, they are all over the place. For me pixel density 0.7 is the sweetspot regarding performance, with 0.7 I also get these artifacts, so VR is not usable in this stage.
This does not occur when using forward shading.
Is there a way for me to get rid of this, or do the devs have to solve this? I can’t even imagine what this thing is
After some testing I found, that this seems to depend on the AA-Method used. The only setting that seems to remove these artifacts is TSR. Even ‘none’ doesn’t remove them. But this can also be a side effect and the source of the problem is something completely different.
Lumen in Stereo is Experimental and should not be used in production. TSR is the only AA (and upsampling) we test with for Lumen (and Nanite) as it’s pretty much required to hit acceptable framerates.