UE5.3- Is there a max to how many levels I can have in my UE5 project?

I was working in my project when I noticed I was missing a few levels I had in previous weeks. They completely disappeared, and when I counted the amount of levels I had in my “open level” editor- it was 30. Is 30 the max amount of levels I can reach? I am trying to find out why the .umaps would suddenly start disappearing from my contents folder. I have more than enough space and I can’t find the levels in my autosaves either.

Any information will help! I’m not sure how to problem solve this.

There is no max limit.

Are you moving files in Windows explorer? Are you using source control etc?

I have had whater 144x144 ends up totaling as different levels in a world composition setup before. Never had any issue with them disappearing.

What you do have issues with is performance, and imports.

The import is particularly nasty as it tends to overload the GPU/RAM by keeping each loaded level in memory, so the only way to process them reliably is to run batches of 30 levels or so.

Check your file folder in explorer/finder. Corrupted levels get excluded by the engine automatically (depending on what/how they corrupted) so it’s possible the files still exist but the engine cannot access them…
Sometimes moving them to a different engine version could fix those files (usually from older to newer only)