UE5.3 bug? Enhanced input bindings in blueprints dissappear when re-opening the project

Hey everyone,
Would be super happy if someone can help me with this problem!

After upgrading to 5.3, all of my EnhancedInput events dissappeared from my blueprints, breaking many of the inputs in my game. I have no problem adding them again, making all functionality go back to normal. But as soon as I close and re-open the project, all event nodes are gone again?! Please se pic below.

How do I solve this?


Can you check whether right-clicking the blueprint asset in the content browser and choosing Asset Actions → Reload returns the Blueprint to its correct state?

Hi uexilon,
Wow, yes, when reloading the asset it returns to the correct state… Any idea how to avoid going through all assets and reload them everytime I open the project? xD

If the asset reload works, it’s highly probable that your project got corrupted. Are you working with C++? I only ever run into that issue with either Hot-Reload or Live Coding. Basically, a few things can corrupt your Blueprints that depend on (Custom or Engine) C++ Classes… Sometimes, even Engine Functions/Events will just vanish. I’m not sure about an easy solution, as it was a fight to the death with the engine every time I ran into this issue (And the reason why I have both live-coding and Hotreload deactivated until Epic fixes it). Sometimes, it happens when you save a blueprint or change C++ header files while the game is running. Sometimes, it’s due to broken redirectors when moving around files too much (especially with source control in the mix), and other times, it just feels random (not sure about all the triggers, unfortunately).

There are a few things you can try, though:

  • You probably won’t get around to recreating the entire blueprint. Just make sure not to copy the nodes that are vanishing, as they might be corrupted and would corrupt the new blueprint, too.
  • Check whether the Binaries folder of your project contains dll/libraries with “patch” attached to the name. Those were created by Live-Coding. Straight-up deleting the binaries and Intermediate Folder (maybe even saved, but that will lose you Folder colors, Favourites, etc. ) and regenerating project files and rebuilding the project might fix the problem.
  • Combination of the two above

I also had this with a Widget blueprint, and in the end, I had to recreate that blueprint, as well as the blueprint that referenced it <.<

Also, this is not Unreal Engine 5.3 specific but a Problem that has existed since the introduction of Hot-Reload and, later on, Live-Coding that was supposed to replace Hot-Reload.

If you have a copy of the Project before the upgrade, you could also try to create a new project in 5.3 and then migrate to copy the project to the new Version. This should treat all redirectors, etc., properly and hopefully not corrupt anything. I’m not sure whether your problem arose from the upgrade or some changes later though.

Here are more people having this issue, including myself:

Hey there, yeah I am having the same issue as you have described within my project and the usage of Enhanced Input Action events within the editor.

Can confirm this is a bug in 5.3.

If you reopen your project the blueprint node disappears.


The fix is really quick.

  • Locate the Enhanced Input Plugin folder in your “EpicGames\UE_5.3\Engine\Plugins\EnhancedInput” directory.
  • Open the “EnhancedInput.uplugin” file
  • In the the Modules section set every LoadingPhase to be PreDefault

Your Modules should look like this:

"Modules": [
			"Name": "EnhancedInput",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PreDefault"
			"Name": "InputBlueprintNodes",
			"Type": "UncookedOnly",
			"LoadingPhase": "PreDefault"
			"Name": "InputEditor",
			"Type": "Editor",
			"LoadingPhase": "PreDefault"

Thank you Xperto, this worked!

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