UE5.3.2 "Reset Orientation and position" not working with Quest 3. Spawning at random rotation and position

Im having an issue making the VR camera spawn at the player start rotation (and position). Whenever I launch the app on the headset the camera spawns at a different rotation to the player start. Sometimes the position will be off too. Both seem to be affected by the boundary setting in the Quest 3. I tried using the “Reset orientation and position” node as well as other workarounds Ive found online but nothing seems to do anything. Im able to move the VRpawn to a different position in the room through the level blueprint but cant reset the camera to face the correct way when I launch the app.

Any idea why might be causing this or any potential workarounds?

Many thanks

Okay, I managed to get it working correctly by including the node on EventBegin in the persistent level, before loading into my main map. For some reason it didnt work in my main map (in VRpawn or level blueprint), only if I assigned it to a button.