UE5.3.2 Plugin Add a module dependency problem LyraStarterGame

Is there a god who can popularize it? UE5,C++ Plugin module problems. The details of the problem are as follows: I used the official example project LyraStarterGame to create a new project that copied Lyra, tried to sort out the Lyra logic, and created a GameSettings plugin with Lyra in mind, and the plugin dependency has been added CommonUI,

,, and the CommonUI Plugin is enabled and the game client viewport class is configured,

,, but in GameSettings. Build. Cs file PublicDependencyModuleNames. AddRange, add module relies on, as long as add “CommonInput”, “CommonUI”, any one,

report an error,
,Comment out these two, LiveCoding, compile successfully. This module dependency is the same as the official LyarStarterGame plugin module dependency. Moreover, I created another plugin CommonGame in the same project as the official LyraStarterGame: commongame.build.cs, with “CommonInput” and “CommonUI”,LiveCoding will not report errors. I deleted all Binaries, Intermediate, and Saved folders for the project and rebuilt them, still the same problem. The GameSettings plugin just wants to add “CommonInput”, but not a “CommonUI” module dependency? CommmonGame, a sibling Plugin in the same plugin folder, is OK? Why? Do any of the big guys have time to dial it up?

The problem has been solved. Adjust the include sequence according to the error message.