UE5.2 - Some painted foliage is randomly "spazzing out". They look as if they are vibrating up and down very fast.

These are Megascans’ Black Alder trees. Turning the wind strength to 0 stops the strange behavior. Some trees exhibit this “vibrating” and some don’t. It never happens when placing the trees as individual instances. The shadows aren’t affected by the strange movement of the trees. Nanite is enabled. I saw one other recent issue with the same problem, also on UE5.2, but no solution was found.


If nanite is on, this isnt exactly strange.
Assuming WPO works with nanite, and that the models have wind.

When nanite merges down and creates meshes with its own verticis wherever it wants, it is going to throw off/destroy any type of vertex driven animation.

Surely, there is a parameter or a way to stop the wind when the mesh is processed by nanite or sometning similar.

If there isnt. Just mask out the wind based on distance from player.
Something as simple as a 20m sphere fade will probably be enough to fix it/make it look not as bad at least.
You will have to add an MPC with the character location to the material - theres no way around that.

I had the same problem.
I was using the trees from the ‘Geometry/SimpleWind’ folder.
The trees in the ‘Geometry/PivotPainter’ folder don’t display this behaviour. Try using those instead. It’s the same selection of tree meshes.
They have wind included, but don 't vibrate as you described.


that fixed it, thank you so much

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you are a lifesaver !