i have a map with niagara systems that have 1 or multiple audio spectrums and may also have splines for alignment. the map loads fine in editor but when i set it as editor startup map it crashes in niagara.dll.
it “seems” to work if the systems and map were saved prior to 5.1. not 100% sure about that but the systems were changed and saved in 5.2 as well as the level.
does anyone have more info on this or a way to fix?
and it seems to be related to the spline data interface. the map contains a few blueprint instances that have a spline, which has the niagara system attached. i removed those and the crash did not happen.
if i have a blueprint that has a spline component, which has the niagara component attached and i have an instance of this blueprint in the level it crashes. (i don’t know if this is also influenced by the complexity or other used data interfaces in the niagara system.)
to solve the issue i did the following
create a blueprint that has a spline attached but no niagara system. then place this BP in the world and attach the niagara system as actor. now the map loads fine on startup of the editor