[UE5.2] 2D level building, but it's not grid / tile based. Implementation question.

I noticed :slight_smile: I tried Unity but I’ve spent years in Unreal c++ already. The Unity editor viewport alone felt awful. Probably because I’m not used to it but compared to how quickly I can set up stuff in UE it’s not an option.

Which are you thinking of here? Is this 2D specific or Unreal specific?

I agree. Instead of plugging in what you need this engine throws everything at you of which 90% goes unused in smaller projects. I don’t want to remove the possibility that their might be 3D elements early on though. I might have scenes in which 3D models rendered “pixely” or with certain shaders to look flat are the better / faster option to produce and render on a 2D background. Either this is 2.5D pre rendered sprites (think early mario kart, donkey kong) or just full 3D.

The gameplay I have so far all plays out on a 2D virtual “plane”. Even if this plane rotates relativeley to the world all relevant gameplay elements play on its X and Y axis, basically attached to its transform. currently the Z axis is indeed used for depth, similar to the Z-Index of widgets. It’s both nuts. In Widgets I don’t use the Z-Index at all because I see it as a bad practice. I use the widget hierarchy to control depth automatically and only set the Z-Index on the first “master” widget I spawn.

I am actually very surprised to hear you say widgets because my experience with their performance has been awful. Most importantly this:

[Bug report] Bad widget performance : Slate : ProcessMouseMove

If you’d use many widgets at once in a game like metal slug, on the bullets for example, it will slow down to a crawl on pointer events and inefficient widget destruction. I can reproduce this by opening and closing an already optimized main menu rapidly (recreating the widget without garbage collecting the other first).

Ahhh… a shame UE doesn’t just work that well…

The tile set for the backdrop might still be an option. I tried it as a tileset and as a sprite (single big image) and funnily it rendered only properly as a sprite.
I just realized maybe there could be some use in the landscape editor, no idea. if I could snap landscape Z to a constant interval and texture the landscape. It’s just one idea of many. That could only be the backdrop.