[UE5.2.1, Bug report] Widget elements disappear on widgets with inheritance

if widget ‘A’ inherited from another widget, adding widget ‘A’ inside a widget and then adding widget elements to its NamedSlot, will result in the widget elments disappearing after saving and compiling (in that order).

Steps to Reproduce
() is the parent class
is adding something in the Designer >> Hierachy tab (outliner)

  1. create Widget1 (UserWidget) [add named_slot1]
  2. create Widget2 (Widget1) [add named_slot2 to named_slot1]
  3. create NewWidget (UserWidget) [add Widget2]->[add Button to named_slot2]
  4. Save and compile (in that order)

The Button disappears.

The Button stays.

After adding the Button to the NamedSlot the Button name will be displayed next to the NamedSlot in the Hierarchy tab. After Saving it disappears.

I suspect this is a problem with the way inheritance is implemented on widgets in general, so I will link my other bug reports with a similar issues here:[UE5.2.1, Bug report] References to widget elements break on 2nd level of widget inheritance

This doesn’t seem right, does the widget editor allow you to have a widget hierarchy within a parent class that already has a widget hierarchy? This would not compile in earlier versions of UE as nesting hierarchies is not possible

Maybe I misunderstand you here, but I thought that was the whole point of the introduction to inheritance since UE5.0
They showed it in the “Advanced UI Templating Techniques using Widget Blueprints and Materials | Unreal Fest 2022” video on the official Unreal youtube channel https://youtu.be/dSTdAToJ7Gg?t=653

Here is an example setup
Bug_UMG_Inheritance_Disappearing.zip (29.8 KB)

What I meant is that last time I used widget inheritance like that, it was not possible to add widgets to a tree when the parent class also has widgets within its tree (compiler error).

I realize I haven’t tried this specifically with named slots and that I am not aware of any changes to this in UE5. Sorry that was not very helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

For the past versions I have been creating my widget base classes in c++ (all functionality goes there, no design), exposing properties with the “BindWidget” flags for designers to just fill in their designs. For me that workflow works very well. Of course this does not solve your question but if it’s of any help this is an alternative way to create widget classes with reusable or injectable components properly.

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