Hello guys:
Recently we upgrade our project from UE5.0.3 to UE5.1, and want to package IOS on MacOS. But we always stuck while cooking. This is the build environment info:
MacOS 13.0.1
Intel Core i9
UE5.1 built from source code
Xcode 14.1
We cannot get any error message from log of cooking process. The last message is in the form of ‘Waiting for skinned assets to be ready 0/1 (xxxx)’ where xxxx differs everytime. After waiting several hours, no new cooking message can be received.
By attaching both the foreground and background UnrealEditors launched by cooking, we inserted break point to SkinnedAssetCompiler.cpp when it stuck. It seemed that line 397 was always executed by the foreground UnrealEditor, but line 402 was not, where NumRemainingMeshes was zero.
Meanwhile, it seemed that the background UnrealEditor was busy processing the ETC2 related encoding, which didnot seem necessary for IOS, according to my understanding.
Any help is appreciated.