UE5.1 :: Sequencer failing "In-game" (PIE) but translates, visibility and animation works in editor window, why?

Hello, many objects fail in the sequencer (UE5.1), after saving my map, restart the editor, “render text objects”, and “niagara effects” stop responding correctly in the sequender, it has happened many times, I even tried to redo the scene on new levels, most of the time they do work while playing from the sequencer in the cinematic view, so the issues do not happen when working in the editor window, but “in-game” (PIE) as soon as I click “play”, other times they also fail in the preview window, I save my work, restart UE the next day and everything fails, specific issues:

  • I add visibility in the sequencer to several (5) Render Text objects to controll the moment when i want them visible, 2 do work, 3 do not work and are visible from start, even If I try to duplicate the ones that do work and edit their text, they may also fail and start visible (even if the hiden option is selected in those objects)… has to be a bug, so trying to control visibility in UE5.1 with the sequencer is problematic, and also happened with amesh object, not just text, but that issue stoped happening removing that mesh and redo all the sequencer anim entirely (a complete waist of time).
  • If I delete one of the Render Text objects from the sequencer, then from the outliner, lets call it “Text2”, as I click play, the “Text2” object appears again in the outliner (not in the level, or in game… probably hiden) as if it was never removed (even after saving the map) but If at that point… I alreade re-created that object with the same name, it overwrites his behaviours to the previous one (the one deleted) when playing a sequencer animation in-game
  • If I add a Niagara VFX to the sequencer and activate it from there, it ignores the triggering moment and triggers at the start of the sequence, then it tries to make a secong trigger on the correct “activate” key from the sequencer… these effects do not have auto activate in the Outliner… they should not trigger from start, also tested many things to make then “deactivate” at start or before just to try to force the deactivation from start.
  • During testings, some sequencer objects in-game, suddenly start appearing in a red text font in the sequencer… why? no error messages, just red… some of those have issues too, but not all…
  • Impossible to delete world partition from the outliner, I don’t use it, I don’t want it, I dont like it, I preffer Level Streaming (wich is totally corrupted in UE5)… and some of the world partition map LOD’s stay… even if I try to delete them. I also cant delete data layers objet from the outliner, but those I do like :)… a bit… still preffer map level streaming…
    Such a pain to work in UE5.1 sequencer, I also previously reported that the “render movie” option ignores the camera in the sequencer (even if it is the only one in the outliner too) and offset it’s translates to a new translate as soon as I start movie recording

I have experience with UE4.26 sequencer (and previous UE versions, have released a game before with cinematics) and never had as many problems for such a simple sequence, probably the UE5.1 sequencer is corrupted, broken… some of my UE4 sequences are really advanced… and it works like a charm In-Game, not sure what is wrong with UE5.1, wanted to upgrade, or at least I tried.

Any solution with UE5.1… or probably now for UE5.2?

Please some help!

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