UE5.1 doesn't start

Good morning, I have a problem with my unreal project 5.1. After activating the hardware raytracing from the preferences, after the next reboot, the program no longer starts and gives me the following error:

Error: appError called: Assertion failed: InIndex >= 0 && InIndex <= kNullIndex [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Public\RenderGraphDefinitions.h] [Line: 327]

If it can be useful to work on a rtx 3060 and I have already verified that I have all the drivers installed correctly, what can I do? Is there otherwise a way to recover a save file without the active raytracing hardware option?

Hi Crobe,

I’m not sure why raytracing on a 3060 wouldn’t be working, but if you’re trying to revert the setting:

In your project’s Config folder, DefaultEngine.ini should be where this setting is stored. You can try to find + change it manually, OR if you delete DefaultEngine.ini it would auto-regenerate with default settings.

Good luck!

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Greetings @JustCrobe !

Welcome to the Unreal Engine community! :medal_sports:

Just so you’re aware, this topic has been moved from the International forum category to the Development - Rendering forum category. I also added the optional tag “Raytracing” for you.

Just remember, when posting, please review the categories to ensure your topic is posted in the most relevant space.

Also wishing you the best of luck with your project,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator :smiley:

I have exactly the same RTX 3060 graphics card and the same problem - RTX projects won’t launch. but I’m bored working in a Lyra project and can’t disable RTX in the project due to work. Please tell me how to deal with these errors?