[UE5.1] Butchered output log window

Output log window opened from Toolbar > Window > Output Log dissappears when opening an asset. Apparently you have to open a new one when editing a widget asset. can’t even dock it there. Let me dock it ffs.

I’m horrified that this doesn’t come up on google as a major issue for people. Testing mutiplayer is such a pain.

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Seems to work fine in 5.3.2

Can you undock the log? I don’t see an option in 5.3.2

You can either close it or drag it so it becomes a floating window or close it with the x on it’s tab.


Ok, i found how to open the window separately, don’t know how i missed that :man_facepalming:

Care to share with the rest of us Idiots? The Output log doesn’t have a close box, and it isn’t an option under Window. It seems to be a completely different type of widget.

Once, I had the option to dock it, but I screwed that up and since then I have never been able to do anything other than click that temporary Output Log tab at the bottom, but it closes as soon as you interact with anything else.

Resetting the layout to default was a nuclear option, but it worked to let me re-dock the output log somewhere else.

Clearly it was docked somewhere, just not somewhere visible! Maybe some random BP window who knows.

Once you have reset your layout, you can click the Settings gear and choose “Dock In Layout”. Then dock it somewhere very obvious (I like it paired with my Details panel) and you should be good to go.

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