[UE5.1.1] Compositing plugin, huge FPS loss when using multiple cameras at once.

I am currently optimizing a map containing multiple cameras rendering to render targets. I know render targets are expensive, but how expensive?

The scene renders at 12FPS on a GTX 1080. If I add a delay on CompositingCaptureBase::EventEnqueueRendering (any starting from 0.05 seconds) The FPS sticks at 50FPS.:

If I disable auto run recursively on all present CompositingElements we get a minimum of 80FPS:

What should I be looking for / profiling here? Is there anything to do about the compositing plugin?

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If the optimization process is less than optimal, is there an alternative which allows me to use multiple cameras at once? They have to render to render targets and optimally be configurable in a realistic way (lens adjustment).

:movie_camera: :film_strip: :vhs:



