UE5.1.1/5.2/5.3 Serious Mobile Performance bug! Must be noted right now

hi, thanks for sharing

where exactly they reported there? i cant find any similar report to this issue in the bug track site you sent

No No. That’s for only viewing purposes. Report from UE editor----> Under Help Tab----->Report a bug

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Jack porter come and save us man. we are waiting for you or anyone to save us

2 New updates!

I found something really interesting.

If i cap the fps to 60fps i will get a more stable fps chart and less flaucation in the chart compared to 62fps ( or whatever the default ) is

BUT… There will be a very very short stutter at every 5-6 seconds

So basically capping the fps causes stutters every 5-6 seconds compared to the uncapped fps. But it will give smoother fps/ms chart

the question now is. WHY, Why there is a stutter every 5-6second?

The second update is

If i cap fps to 55 the game thread become stable at 7ms

Vut at no fps cap ( or 62fps which is my phone screen refresh rate ) It jump to 13-14ms

Here is a chart

Here is a gif


( This has been tried on UE5.3 and UE 5.0.3 and the results are the same )

Please someone from Epic just give us attention at least. It is sad no one even looking at this thread.

Since Epic is not giving a dam about this huge performance issue in various projects and many developers confirmed it is happening. I think i will just make a page or a tutorial on how to fix it after i find the final solution. So far ive found clues to fix some bugs
this is even affecting fortnite.

It is sad no one even replying.



I solved it finally I can’t believe it! hahahahahaha

It was swappy frame pacing!

a.useswappyforframepacing 0 fixes the issue but it unlocks the fps ( disables vsync ) for some reason. setting r.vscyn 1 does not sync the fps with my max hz tho.
now my target is to sync the frames with my max hz with out swappy

Ok Current setup

Swappy off using console command

a.useswappyforframepacing 0

Smooth frame rate from project settings set to

Min 22
Max 62

that made my game finally smooth and stable


im still working on the optimizations page tho i did not forget. im just collecting optimizations methods and tricks and going to make a page for them

Any feedback on where to make the page? In the dev.epicgames or the forums?

It would be definitely helpful for community.

I think here is a great start


Thanks. I will post there

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