My game runs 60fps with around 60-70% gpu/cpu usage in unreal engine 5.0.3! with smooth and no issues or spikes in fps.
but in ue5.1 and 5.2 the fps spikes from 60 to 30 and from 30 to 60 each single frame
this is not a project related issue, i have done the test to make sure the scenario of profiling is the EXACT same test and all same test settings. i have disabled every single android related option in ue5.2 but still the fps issue spikes not solved
i have profiled but i have no idea what the cpu is stalling for! what is that thing the cpu waiting for? Please all the experts and magicians of Unreal engine lend me the hands of help! I will upload a video and the profiling file as well for extra information on what is happening
Other notes:
1: i tested in an empty map. still same issue.
will add more if u need any other info feel free to ask me.
I have posted a really important info below in the replies. a lot of mobile related stuff. I hope some of you benefit from this. Or maybe share a solution to some of the issues i have mentioned below.
thats the link, Please note! The fps counter is not 100% accurate. the ue5.2 feels WAY worse than 40fps. as it sutters rapidly at fast speed. yet the ue5.0.3 was MUCH more stable. i mean if the ue5.2 was not spiking fps and not stuttering thats fine. this is a big issue
another note, the game on ue5.0.3 runs capped at 60fps with no single drop in frames or spikes. but in the videos it did spike 1 or 2 fps coz of recording
Here is another compression an in map with just sky light and a floor ( just a flat cube )
as you can see, it runs around 55fps, and lower cpu usage, cooler device, less throttle, better user experince! and more battery life. but thats aside. we must fix this bug regardless.
Can you please tell me how i can fix this memory leak issue? UE provide much less bugs and faster at deploying games and less crasjes in the engine and much smaller size of game and latest plugins for mobile
I don’t believe it’s a memory leak issue. If it was the case the fps would become worse over time. But it is giving consistent fps spikes as shown in the graph above