Folks, I’m having teh following problem in the released version of UE5.0:
All my textures are displayed at 64px resolution at all time.
I did everything that I asume that cold be the problem:
Isn’t a streaming pool size problem because I have only 1 mesh on the scene.
I imported using Quixel Bridge several times on a blank new project. Always the same result. (Nanite on and off)
I reinstalled the engine, problem persists.
The only thing that solve the problem is to deactivate mip maps on the texture file.
It must be some default configuration that is doing this.
Someone can help me? 
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I found the problem!
So I’ll reply the post for those who encounter in the same situation.
The problem was the cache folder.
I rescently removed and changed one of my HD drivers, and IDK why, even reinstalling the engine, the configuration was setted to an drive that doenst exist anymore…
To solve the issue, on the Engine Settings / Global
I changed the location of the cache folders
Thank you very much, I have been trying to deal with this problem for more than a month, but to no avail, and there are no answers on the Internet. I also created a topic on the forum, but no one answered me.
Your topic helped me solve this problem, I don’t know how to thank you 
P.S. The problem was solved when I cleared the fields “Global Local DDC Path” and “Global Shared DDC Path”