Hi Dino, is the launcher crashing on load or the editor itself? If it’s the editor, can you also attach your editor logs? Can be found at C:\ProgramData\Epic\Engine\Saved\Logs. Thanks for your patience!
Hi Leslie,
Just wanted to say thanks to Brian for his help I didn’t realise I only had 500mb GPU. Just got a new AMD R9 270 and everything is working perfectly, I have attached my DxDiag as you asked and the Log File.
Good to hear!
Brian, the solution that you link to fixed it for me. The launcher was selecting my integrated graphics card and not my high performance NVIDIA.
I dont understand why this is locked to graphics cards above 1 GB.
I can run udk and dx10 games without problems.
There is a 2D demo in ue4, if someone needs to make a simple 2D game or low poly mobile game he still needs an nvidia gtx 780.
You make an affordable plan and give access to source code while this would cost a lot in the past, but you expect everybody to have the last graphics cards on the market.
If you wont unlock this my last hope is to subscribe to the new unity 5 plan they launched 2 days ago.
Hey guys, just downloaded launcher and tried to run editor - same problem.
Seems that my videocard doesn’t meet requirements, I have Intel HD 3000, but I’ve successfully ran compiled game from friend of my in low/high graphics level.
Do I have a chances to run editor?
Hi Rozhok,
Well with Intel HD 3000 graphics things work a little differently although it uses your system RAM it only has 64mb of dedicated memory, the Unreal Engine require 1GB of GPU memory. Please take a look here at this thread. It might be a case of getting a newer GPU like I did to run this, what is your current GPU? Also have you tried setting the editor to run specifically with your GPU?
My GPU is Intel HD 3000 Unfortunately, I don’t have option to change card.
But my system has 16Gb or RAM and dxdiag shows that 1.5Gb is available for videocard.
Well, that’s all fine, but if I able to run game built on UE4, why I’m unable to run editor?
Hi Rozhok,
I’m not sure if that GPU will run the editor fine or not. The short answer for why a game may work but the editor may not is because the editor has to do a lot more work.
The longer explanation is the games are cooked, lighting is baked, and optimized and configured not to do anything but run the game. The editor has to run un-optimized, nothing is cooked or baked because everything is changeable. It has to keep a lot more assets in memory than a normal game would, and it has to render all of the tools UI which we also run on the GPU.
Nick (Epic Games)
Well, I’m ok if editor will work slowly, because I’m mostly into programming instead of level-design, etc. It’s very sad, duh.
1 GB of VRAM is recommended to make sure everyone has a good experience in UE4 - from 2D games to our highest end sample. We’re investigating crashes in this specific case where GPUs are below our recommended spec. Our internal tests of 512 MB card haven’t resulted in crashes, nor did we expect this for the public.
Can you attach your engine logs after this crash (found at C:\ProgramData\Epic\Engine\Saved\Logs) and your dxdiag?
Thanks for your patience, and we do apologize that you haven’t been able to dig into UE4 quite yet.
May I ask you to create some patch to run UE4 on slow gpu’s? Here’s report, the main problem I believe is
LogD3D11RHI:Error: Direct3DDevice->CreateShaderResourceView(Texture2D->GetResource(), &SRVDesc, (ID3D11ShaderResourceView**)ShaderResourceView.GetInitReference()) failed
at D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Texture.cpp:1118
with error E_OUTOFMEMORY
Is there option to run editor in DX9/10 modes?
This helped me with windows 8. Maybe it’ll work for you too. Crash after launch with below min spec GPU - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums
My issue got solved here https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/14856/ue4editor-cmdexe-crashed-after-launch-1.html
Editor re-compiled with patch is launching fine now.
That patch should solve this issue. Also we are hoping to get a QFE out on Monday for those who don’t compile from source.
link text
A QFE is now available which should fix the crash on startup. We’ll be bundling this fix into a public patch later this week.
Just to reiterate - even though this crash is fixed, we don’t guarantee that performance will be at an acceptable level if you’re using a GPU below our recommended spec.
Absolutely :). Try out the following:
We can’t guarantee good performance, but you should at least not crash on launch.