UE4 Xcode 15 remote build fails due to many warnings


I had my project set up for iOS with a Remote Build and it was working until the new requirements of Xcode 15 (and updated the MacOS to Ventura 13.6.6).

I am getting a lot of red warning as deprecated, searched this past week and tried everything I found, including the flags to ignore the warning etc. But, in the end I am getting the same errors.

I have two versions of the project and both are on UE4. Tried with both 4.26 and 4.27. It’s pretty much the same errors.

On the 4.26 I tried correcting the warning and I got from 20 to 6 warnings, meaning for those that are deprecated, but I still get some weird red warnings and the build just cannot finish and fails.

And I cannot migrate the project to UE5, so it needs to be on UE4.

The other unedited version has also the deprecated warnings.

Any help would be appreciated as I am getting on the end of my nerves. Lol

Thank you!

Edit: here is the log file: Dropbox