UE4 is not opening but in task manager i can see high cpu usage. I am using 4.17 but this also happened with 4.16.
I am using Comodo firewall. somehow it seem to be related.
I can’t reproduce this everytime though. Sometime restarting PC seems to work sometime it will just happen.
This might be for a lot of reasons. Depends on what you are opening. Is this a full project or is this just trying to open the new project screen? You could be building textures.
okay i just faced the issue again. it doesn’t matter even if i run with log because the log window won’t even show up. UE4 uses high cpu and no GUI shows up
Had Commodo Firewall to got rid of it Never happend to me again. Turning it off temporarly does not solve the Problem. Tried absolutly everything I could inside Commodo to fix the issue. Nothing worked except uninstall.
Yeah i noticed after installing Comodo firewall UE4 seems to have this isssue.
I can’t uninstall it since i need it.
I have everything disabled including HIPS but somehow it still seems to interfare with UE4.
I have added UE4 folder as a exclusion in the HIPS ruleset. I have to see if this solves it.
Been there tried all of that (and more). Nothing worked except nuking it. For me the issue definitly came from comodo. Maybe try a alternative Firewall if you need one that badly.