UE4 Wiki editing disabled beginning May 3rd

Of course! Wiki. Marketplace revamping. Roadmap. “We’ll review this Pull Request as soon as possible”. In almost each segment of the UE community we see this pattern: a promise that it’ll be taken care of, and then it’s not.

Certainly I’m not saying that it applies to everything. Some things are really done great. I just wanted to highlight that it’s not a unique case.

fwiw, in the years before UDK, UnrealWiki was a fantastic learning resource for every moddable Unreal game, and the engine as a whole. Unfortunately, they did a major reorganization at some point after UDK came out, and it made it much more difficult to deal with. I occasionally find myself wanting to refer to things that were on there, and it’s just about impossible to find anything.

SO, yeah, when changing things around, you don’t want to make them worse. But, for sure, a communtiy wiki can work well.

does this update improve the performance

Does anybody know of an Alternative Wiki Site for Unreal? It was disabled May 2018, its been over a year… thats a long time for information to go stagnant and be totally incorrect. I had various issues with the Linux documentation and it took me 5 times as long to get up and running because of it. I was going to update the wiki with new instructions on how to get up and running.

I was thinking it might be time for the community to launch its own Fan based wiki… a few months or even half a year is one thing, but this seems kinda crazy to have the instruction people are trying to use be outdated and full of errors. At the very least I will likely be starting a Blog or wiki for the Linux side of things, although I am sure less people will find it because people expect to find correct and relevant information on the main wiki that Unreal is maintaining (or in this case not maintaining.)

They hired some documentation people, I’m sure this is on their todo list to coordinate…


So, is that why they completely nuked the wiki with no way to get at the data except for archive.org and google cache? So they could bring in some documentation writers? :slight_smile:

Ack! I knew I should have deleted that post. :wink:
