[UE4] Warrior Scene Collaboration

How are things progressing? If it’s nearing completion would you considering distributing it through other channels (even paid)? As much as I love the marketplace I’ve found myself waiting for some content that’s appeared in the ‘coming soon’ subheader only to get mysteriously lost in the ether and never resurfaced.

P.S. I guess I should say I’m particularly interested in the eye model/shader.

Honestly, we are thinking about other ways to release this, but nothing is even close to being decided yet :wink: We are all very busy with our regular work, so we dont really have a tight schedule for this. Our internal goal is to have a teaser of the full clip available by the end of march. Anything further than that…we will see :wink:

But yeah, we are still working on it and things are coming together slowly^^

Thanks and cheers! :slight_smile:

man i want that skin and eye shading :stuck_out_tongue:

This looks amazing guys! Not sure how I missed this one, but I would l would love to see an update :smiley:

Hello Guys! New thread here :smiley:

Wow this is looking incredible… It’s amazing to see the progression from the beginning to the present. Keep it up!

Great work, just beautiful.

So so so nice

This is the most stunning character I have seen in Unreal - is there any Progress? Would be great to hear where you can buy or Download it. Thanks