[UE4 VR] How to fix player's position(location)

Hello just another noob here

I’m trying to develop a vr game, where the player ( basically me ) cannot move around, and just do stuff on a certain location.

I’m thinking like the game “I expect you to die”, where the player just sits and do stuff on the seated location

Is there any way to implement this?

I have no reason to suspect you can’t do this!

You can start with the VR template and just cut out the default movement. Then, you could just look around.

Hey, thanks for the reply but I’m not quite sure what you mean. By ‘default movement’ in the VR template, do you mean teleportation? Because I was wanting the character to be stuck in a certain position. Right now, if I do VR preview, I can move around the room if the real me(in person) moves around manually.

ok, I understand your question now. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find how to do that… Probably depends on which headset you are using.

Using the default pawn seems to achieve the desired result, for me on WMR at least.