Hey everyone, I recently had the pleasure to work with the folks over at Addison-Wesley Professional and Epic while working on my newest project the Unreal Engine VR Cookbook.
My goal with the book was to show readers how to accomplish some of the most common things that new VR developers face while explaining the math and logic of what is going on when we do these things.
The entire book is done in Blueprints so no coding experience is required and when possible I tried to make all the recipes as modular as possible so if needed readers could migrate and use them in their own projects.
The source code for each recipe can be found on my .
Hi I pre-ordered back in December and just found out it’s sitting in my mailbox. Can’t wait to dive in. Thanks for everything you’ve done for the VR Unreal community, and best of luck with sales.
Hi I’ve been following your tutorials for months now and you can’t imagine how much you’ve helped me. I’m trying to purchase your book but it has always been unavailable in Spain where I currently live. Do you have any idea of where else I could buy it? I would really like to have it in paper, but maybe is easier to purchase it in a digital version.
Hahaha It is! But it’s not available until the 20th of March and every day seems like is going to be available later, because they keep delaying the release. So I ended up buying both versions at informit. I ended up paying almost the cost of the book in taxes from FedEx. Anyway, is a great book, thanks for helping us out