UE4 Tutorials for CGIartists? (quick path, not game-related)

Hello community,
I spent quite a bit of time in intro films for Unreal Engine.
I’m experienced in CGI softwares (such as Maya, Substance, Vray and 3dsMax…).
But I can’t currently see a quick path to how produce high-quality pictures, when coming with my background and not interested in unnecessary details.

Which are the best tutorials here?
Is there a guide, how a Maya or 3ds Max artist can set up an environment?
Still there are only 2 types of tutorials, I found:

  • Extreme slowly basic introductions, that cover things I will never need and often repeat to much
  • Very common making-of-like descriptions, that teach almost nothing. and just give a rough idea how it works
    (e.g. “Photoreal cinematics with Quixel mixer”)

Please send me some recommendations,
Many thanks!

No answer after a year… that’s poor!
I have the same question.