UE4 Program error when set bCompileAgainstEngine = true

I copy the BlankProgram code and rename it to CustomProgram, and change the following settings in .Target.cs file:

bCompileAgainstEngine = true;
bCompileAgainstCoreUObject = true;
bCompileAgainstApplicationCore = true;

and add following modules in .Build.cs file:

    new string[]


Finally,I got this error:

EXEC : error : Couldn’t find parent type for ‘MovieScene2DTransformTrack’ named ‘UMovieScenePropertyTrack’ in current module or any other module parsed so far.

How to solve the problom, Please Help!!!

thanks for your reply, but it does not work, for simple test, change settings in BlankProgram.Target.cs :

  bCompileAgainstEngine = true;
	bCompileAgainstCoreUObject = true;
	bCompileAgainstApplicationCore = true;

and add Modules in BlankProgram.Build.cs:


I add all relative modules, but still not work

Add “MovieScene” module to your build.cs file,Regenerate project .Ue4 doesn’t see UMovieSceveTrack,cause it’s in MovieScene module.

MovieScene2DTransformTrack is in UMG module,you didnt add it also.

I’ve run into this same problem as well, when trying to work on BlankProgram-style tools (specifically to run some unit tests.

This seems to happen because the .uhtmanifest for the program, which apparently should list modules in dependency order, lists UMG before MovieScene, which means when UnrealHeaderTool parses the manifest, it finds a bunch of child classes in UMG that have parents from MovieScene, but has not parsed MovieScene yet.

Adding the modules to Build.cs for the program does not solve the issue, at least not directly. It seems like there might be a long circular dependency between modules or something that is breaking the sort algorithm allegedly used to generate the uhtmanifest file. I’m still investigating.

Hi @Josh,
Could you find a solution for this? I have been struggling for weeks.

I did not.

I also met the same problem, after repeated attempts, at the Source (E: \ UnrealEngine \ Engine \ Source \ designed) to add the other examples in the modified, found that as long as PrivateDependencyModuleNames (" Engine "), will appear this kind of problem.I wonder if Programs of type Programs do not support the include Enngine module

I am also stucked by this when I make a program which depends a Engine module

I succeeded to build it.
I add this modules in Engine module.

And I set BuildWithEditorOnlyData to false