UE4 on Linux Must Be Improved

Yes, this is the point. Plus binaries as flatpak or snap. That’s all what we want. I repeat again: diversity is good for all of us. Use Windows or Mac UE4 versions but at the same time support UE4 on Linux. We will be happy. All.

OK, I got you now :slight_smile:
Well, I think the best approach would be request basic “features” like Flatpack or snap on AnswerHub.

OK, I will do shut up. My last 2 cents. I started discussing here because people were trying to say “we need support because Blender is nice (and you can use it on Windows) and there’s some privacy issues on Windows”. You won’t convince Epic to embrace Linux this way :wink:

What exactly do you think we are doing here ? Here is one example of AnswerHub ticket my team submitted in 2015 - it was fixed a month ago. Not to mention the launcher on UE4, which is another thing we’ve been asking for literally years. Not to mention prebuilt binaries. All of these are low-effort stuff. No one is asking for large, VR-scale features, we’re asking for basic Mac-like support and no broken features.

The patronizing attitude you’re having here is really annoying - we’re working on getting that support, you come here to diss on Linux and end up telling us how to do it - or that we’re not doing our business rhe right way ? Seriously ?

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No and no. You can’t redefine terms just because you personally don’t like the way they are currently applied. That doesn’t make any sense.

As I said above I’d love to see Linux getting some love. But there’s no money in it for Epic. The reason they’re so focused on VR is because they see a financial future there.

That’s because unlike Linux, VR probably has a future. If your “clients” are insisting on Linux, find other “clients” that insist on Windows instead. I guarantee you’ll see more business. I wouldn’t take on the structural engineering of a wedding cake just because I’m an electromechanical engineer… One big thing you learn in engineering and project management: Know your market. And yes, game creation is a form of engineering. Nobody needs another flashlight app or backscratcher 9000. No Floridian needs a snow shovel and no Californian needs a water slide park in their back yard. Same applies to PC gaming… There is no demand for Linux games, therefore it’s pointless to throw resources at it.

And wrong, Linux support will harm and concern me when the updates, that +96% of us need, get delayed; due to them working on Linux updates… I mean come on, It’s been three or four versions and we STILL have hung/removed DXGI issues… I want to say it started in 4.12 or 4.13, maybe earlier? I’d much rather them hammer that out and I’m pretty sure that 96% of people would as well.

I do know my market, which is exactly why I am pushing for better Linux support. Can you please just go now and leave people interested in Linux support discuss that ? Thanks !

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The point is, that this thread is pointless. Epic invests their time and resources toward things that will help turn an actual profit for them. They are a business first and foremost. Businesses are interested in profit. Part of risk analysis is judging whether or not something will be a loss or a gain. UE4, on Linux, isn’t ever going to return a profit that outweighs the capital that went into it. For now, it runs “well enough” in order to give them the label of being an engine that supports Linux.

And no, this isn’t your personal echo-chamber. I’m interested in Linux support as well in the sense that it impedes on my development, as well the vast majority of other developers using UE4, for the sake of a very tiny minority. Time that could have been spent adding in new features and bug fixes; for the most commonly used platforms.

I’m not trying to be mean, but this is the reality of it all and no amount of your personal bias is going magically make Linux become a real contender in PC gaming, nor will it grab the reins of the Epic team and force them to get right on it.

If this is what this is about, I’m also unhappy that Epic is pouring incredible resources in a fad that will be dead in a few years. But you don’t see me writing that on VR threads, because that’s just common decency. So please don’t come ******** on Linux users because you don’t care to support them commercially. Other developers are more inclusive, or target a different market that yours, or just want to keep the option for the day Windows S becomes the commercial offering on the PC market - and that’s not less important than your own problems.

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I support idea as Flatpak UE4 as it is good to install apps without sudo and is easy to clean up and avoid trashing system. EPIC can deliver needed libs inside .flatpak

Except those are servers and embedded solutions. The problem is that you people live in a parallel universe. UE4 runs on PS4 and runs on Switch because those are the platform where a lot of people play and pay. PC Linux users are a tiny fraction of gaming crowd. It has never went above 3% and that was during a peak of desktop Linux popularity a few years ago.

Diversity just for the sake of diversity is stupid idea. Most people are on Windows and OSX. If you are on Linux and your PC can easily handle Windows, and the only reason you don’t want to install Windows because of “political” reasons, well, that’s your loss. If you want to develop games using UE4, you either install Windows and quit being so wooden ideologically, or GTFO.

Yes, UE4 as a flatpack would be a nice and clean way of delivering the engine for Linux users, on most distros. I know that business is business, but I don’t think Epic would lose too much money and time to prepare it for us. Unity Team provide us with new builds of their engine on Linux. Only two people work over it but they work and users are happy. I also use Unity now, but always check if something changed for good regarding UE4 on Linux. I wish to hear somebody from Epic to know if it is really so big effort to prepare a flatpak for UE4 on Linux users.

I understand that monopoly is better. Maybe for you. We users can get more if competition exists. You would use directx 9-11-like sh*t in the future if not Vulkan appeared and MS was simply forced to something similar to it. Thanks to the Khronos group Inc., we get a low-level api that works great on my Unity builds though it is marked as experimental.

I have NO idea why your rambling about “political” reasons, and “diversity?” No clue where your getting all of this, or what your interpreting? Not sure if your on twitter at the same time your reading forum posts. This is not about gaming, but development. See Post title “UE4 on Linux Must Be Improved.” As in the game engine. If you read up the post you’ll find I dual boot Linux with Win10, and have a Mac. Its not some anti apple, msft post. Development, and playing games is 2 different things. I prefer using Linux as a workstation. It’s a preference. I don’t use it as a gaming console, or internet fun box. Linux is a work horse. It is an efficient operating system.

Yes, Linux is very efficient. I really cant understand why people don’t see advantages of using this OS and like dealing with MS ill ideas. I have one strong laptop with W10 bought by our investor, but I love coming back to my weaker computer with OpenSUSE. If I had a good and stable UE4 Editor, OpenSUSE would be on both computers. There are no political reasons.

It’s not a competition. If Linux had a much larger end-user market share, maybe one could call that a competition.

Enough with the “Linux is efficient” excuse. Yeah, it’s great for server level stuff; usually due to it being run in command-line and not having a GUI running. 99% of people that use a computer, for gaming, aren’t going to be running in an environment like that. In terms of gaming, at best, you might see like a 3-4% difference between Linux and Windows. Who cares if a game runs at 104fps instead of 100fps… It’s simply not worth the loss of features.

Eventually, Microsoft will probably give PCs a real game mode that boots the OS into a stripped down version similar to how the original “directXbox” worked aka the original Xbox. If that happened, any slight edge Linux had over Windows would be left in the dust.

Expecting Epic to care about Linux users developers, can be sure, are many.

I didnt mind using WinXp. At least I had control over the processes. At that time I had a large external quaddro card running for solidworks, Pro E, and other industrial programs. All of our workstations dual booted with red hat. We could use autocad, and Pro E on Redhat, but not solidworks. So I chose not to use Solidworks. It was a french technology corporation, and a lot of the french ran Linux also. When we went to Asia some of us had noticed the screws missing from the hdd caddy on our laptops, and things being out of place, but most of the Linux users weren’t worried about it. Corporate espionage thieves at their finest cloned the HDD’s. The Linux users shrugged it off. Days later banks cancelled some of their debit, and credit cards due to fraud prevention. So there was a group of euro’s stuck in China trying to find a western union, or money gram. Only the windows users of course. From on everything that I did that was personal information, or data secure never went on a windows comp. I plan on building a pascal driven hackintosh around January. I may just order a gaming desktop that’s compatable, or a slightly used mac pro.

Again. Its not about gaming, but development. I’m fine with windows running games better. Most people don’t game with Linux. 98% of them don’t game with Linux, and the other 2 percent probably installed an antique version in order to play fraction munchers. It’s the same scenario with mac. Most mac users dont have a game installed other than solitaire. Steam stats arent the app store. I can look at the top apps in mac store, and the top 20 apps are always. Graphic arts, music, productivity, and minecraft will be in there. which explains less than 2% of mac users somewhere are playing a game.

Lol… Who cares about having process control for Autocad? I’ve used Autocad for at least 15 years and Solidworks for six or so years. There hasn’t been even ONE time that I’ve thought “Boy I really need some serious process control to run these fluid sims… This svchost is really bustin my chops at 0.01% of my cpu and 2.3mb of my 16gb of ram…”

go to a Linux development forum and complain there. You are in a forum for Unreal Engine… An engine that is primarily focused on games and real-time 3d rendering. If you want to make the next Photoshop or FL studio, I’d advise you to pick up c++ or something instead; rather than using UE to make it lol…