UE4 networking help, how to determine what is using bandwidth?

If you create the default third person character game, and run 2 clients and a dedicated server you are already hitting near the bandwidth cap with nothing else going on.

If you do a stat net you will see and out and in rate of approx 5k each.

If you set the update rate of ThirdPersonBlueprint to 2 instead of 100 just for an extreme change run and do a stat net you see the numbers change very little.

If you do a netprofile and open the profile in the Network Profiler you will see a consistent baseline of 150 bytes/sec sent every single frame.

Stat net shows number of networked actors to be 39. When you look in the network profiler you will see 8, what are the other 31 actors? How would I find the answer to this?

When you look at the total size in the all actors tab on Network profiler they are all 0. The All properties tab also shows all 0s and the All RPCs tab shows a few very small numbers. None of these come close to the total bandwidth, what is missing here? How would I see what else could be using the bandwidth?

Why is there a 150 byte per frame minimum of traffic? I would have expected some frames to send nothing at all. Is the game combining all the data to send and spreading it out over frames? I still would think lowering the send rate of the character would drop that 150 bytes per frame number significantly unless something else is sending a ton of data.

I’m just getting started trying to figure out how to lower my games traffic and am totally confused by the outputs from both stat net and the Networking Profiler so looking for any help to explain some of these starting numbers in what should be a VERY low bandwidth third person starter app.

Did you figure that out, I’d be interested to know if there is something to audit where the data comes from.