UE4 Material on Blender Mesh


I have created some simple meshes in Blender 2.72 and followed this guide for setting up the meshes and exporting them:

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I can import my meshes no problem, the problem occurs when I try to apply one of the many materials that come with UE4, the scale of the mesh is very large

If I apply the hex tile I see the following in UE4

The mesh on the left uses default scale in blender and then is scaled in UE4 by 100 on each axis (material scaled too big)

The mesh in the middle uses the scale settings based on recommendation from link above (material scaled too big)

The mesh on the right is a BSP converted to static mesh within UE4 (material scaled just right)

So, is there a way to use UE4 materials with blender meshes where scaling is not totally screwed?

If I dont scale the mesh on the left from blender it is incredibly tiny.

I have seen some answers online suggesting modifying the materials but then i will have to have one material for blender meshes and one for UE4 converted meshes which seems a bit of work to manage and maintain. Or all meshes would have to come from blender and I would need to convert all materials

Any help or recommendations gratefully recieved


I tried recreating the UV map at 1024x1024 and 2048x2048 with no effect… you are suggesting going even larger?

What do you mean by redo?

Thanks :o)

you need to either redo the UV maps in blender, or apply a coordinate node in the material editor and change its values to 2 or 4 to make the texture smaller.

probably better if you do so in blender though!

its not the texture size, its how your uv’s are made.
Those need to be bigger.

Even if your texture would be 10240/10240 it would be the same lol.
You need to understand that uv’s are something different than a texture.

Ok, after much investigation, I have discovered that I can scale the UV map using S then moving mouse to affect the scale of the texture applied to the mesh.

However, scaling this way is so imprecise, is there any way to manually provide the scale factors for the UV map? This I have not been able to yet determine.

Like how would you scale the UV map for two distinct meshes by the same factor?

Thanks for help so far

I guess this is not a UE4 question anymore