UE4 Landscape Quick Start Guide small problem

I’ve worked all the way through the Landscape Quick Start Guide very thoroughly on 6 individual occasions, but something is not working right for me at one particular point and that is in Part 5 - Painting Landscape Materials, I have at this point set my landscape material up exactly as per the guide, and connect up all the nodes, and just before you start painting you have to assign three - Landscape Layer Info Objects, one for each texture that you want to paint. so in the, - Landscape Paint Mode under, - Target Layers, you have the three inputs labelled, Soil, Grass and Snow. In the guide it’s showing a small thumbnail next to these inputs, the first one, Soil is fine with the thumbnail showing a sphere with a soil material applied, however the Grass and Snow do not have representative icons just a Blue Square. So when I come to paint on the Grass and Snow this is what I get a Blue Texture. Does anyone know why this should be, it happens every time, I haven’t obviously assigned the Grass and Snow textures to the Target Layers, anyone know how this can be done. Many Many Thanks

In your landscape material, via the layer panel.

You then plug the output into the base color.
You need a different one for each type of changes you want to have
Basically a new layer for every base options

Base Color,
Normal Map,

You can use Andrew Hurley’s material as a solid starting base

You can check this vid for a thorough step by step