Ue4 is removing widgets from the hierarchy on its own

i don’t understand why is this happening…


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Hi! Can you share some more information: from what hierarchy, where do you add it, is there any logic with this widget and so on. Maybe, you forget to call AddToViewport for this widget?

Dear valued Unreal Engine user,

From looking though the code this looks as though it will happen when the widgets are outside of the widget tree:

    // Remove widgets that are created but not referenced by the widget tree. This could happen when another referenced UserWidget is modified.

It may be that you need to call ConstructWidget on the Widget tree to create these widgets. They will then be added as a child of the WidgetTree.

Please see this AnswerHub for an example using C++, that could be adapted to Blueprints as well:

Thank you for your continued support,

Just had this happen when opening a project, just wiped out the entire widget tree on an asset for no obvious reason. All the variables for those widgets are still referenced in the script and it breaks compilation.

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Can you share picture for you Widget BP?

it`s happens when you change some element to another, like Wrap\Replace, then all its children will be removed after next project opening. At now, i don’t know how to fix it bug(

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Widgets are inside the tree when this happens UMG in 4.26 has more than a few issues with serialization.



Yeah it happened to me as well. I recommend enabling back Backup directory in 4.26 which is disabled by default. So you can bring files back whenever they are corrupted.

this also just hit me, also 4.26

There are also some other issues with UMG currently, serialization is one of them.
Here the button is blocking children update on Compile: https://twitter.com/TefelDev/status/1340694885771427841

In 4.26 you can use DisasterRecovery or simply enabling Backup directory :wink:
All issues are reported so probably are going to be resolved in 4.26.1.

Super broken. This just happened to me. I changed a scroll box to a vert box. Then this happened on restart. Lost an entire days worth of work thanks to this.

Is there any update on fixing this bug? It is costing time.

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could you tell me the issue link reported? I have same problem… but I can’t find CL about that problem not yet.


There is a problem with this error message. You may see it after doing Undo operations in the UMG Editor. A fix is on the way for that.

That being said, I can reproduce the case where widget are deleted when reopening the editor.

Unfortunately my C++ parent widget (User Widget) is set to Blueprintable. Wasn’t the issue for me but thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

This just happened for me aswell. Getting a revision from a couple of hours earlier doesn’t help either, UE4 keeps removing the widgets. Is there any way of forcing the engine not to delete the widgets? It’s kinda frustrating loosing hours of work because of this.

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Question, is your widget a subclass of a C++ User Widget? This happened to me however realize I did not put Blueprintable on my class tag which was my issue for it removing the child widgets.

Just happened to me this morning after spending ages creating some widgets.
Blueprint only project, and I hadn’t started the coding to reference anything yet, just building the widgets.

Actually I built a second lot of a widget, in the same UI file, to experiment with the changes and look I wanted before trying to implement the code, but it’s all gone this morning.


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Happened to me aswell, hopefully developers will look into it, incredibly time consuming. Can’t imagine the frustration if someone spends weeks on making a widget and this thing happens.

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Also happened here. Think it happened after i added a variable to a struct, closed the project and compiled. So tired of these bugs that corrupts your files.