Ue4 is removing widgets from the hierarchy on its own

I have a very good news~ for you. check CL#

Hi everyone,

This bug is fixed in 4.26.1 that will be released soon. For those of you who have access to Unreal GitHub the change is here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/416b5afc844f7b732920f53a27f64a5fa951d822.



This is still a problem and just happened to me in 4.26.1

I’m not sure how to reproduce.

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Hi MyxaWW,

I’m really sorry about this. If you end up finding any repro, add it to this thread, I will personnaly take care of fixing it.

The bug I fixed in 4.26.1 was happening when a Panel Widget (anytype) that contained other widgets was replaced with another panel widget and the operation was reverted using undo. In that case everything that was in the panel was wiped. If the undo operation was done in 4.26.0 and you load in 4.26.1 after that, the widget was already in a bad state and may lead to this problem anyway.

I spent quite some time making sure that the same patterns was not somewhere else in the code and fixed the cleanup function.

Let me know if you find anything more in the steps that leads to this problem.


To disable the cleanup, goto FWidgetBlueprintCompilerContext::CleanAndSanitizeClass and comment the code block witgh after the comment:

// Remove widgets that are created but not referenced by the widget tree. This could happen when another referenced UserWidget is modified.

You should then be able to open you data and the cleanup will no longer occur.

Note that you get this because the data is already in a bad state when opening it in 4.26.1. The problem that put data in that bad state is not fixed.

Hello, I have the same issue. The good news is that the uasset´s filesize is still pretty big so it seems that the content is not lost at all. How can I save/rescue this uasset widget file…there is so much text written and I would lose days of work on that just because UE thinks it doesnt need it. Holy cow, I really need to stop Unreal from deleting the widgets on opening the widget! @ EPIC GAMES

I worked with source build 4.26.0, now opening a copy of this project with the regular 4.26.1 from the launcher. When I open the widget blueprint first time, I get the removed unused widget message. So it seems to remove it on opening but thankfully not saving this change. I really need to get access to my content.

And by the way, this is not fixed in 4.26.1 since its still deleting all the content on opening the WB.

Hello Vinz, this is happening on 4.26.1 as well, but on an already existing blueprint widget. I somehow need to find a way to deactivate the automatic removal or at least getting the chance to copy out all stuff from the widget. Once I open it, it removes everything.

Thank you Vinz. Well actually the error went away but data still gets removed.

I build a fresh 4.26.1 now and will build up a new widget, trying to recreate it. Its so typical for my life. I am happy with something and then…Life kicks in and just deletes it.

I’m having the same issue as well. Spent all day yesterday creating a Host menu, now everything is gone. - using 4.26.1

Just happened to me.
I’ve spent 6 hours today and now I’m stuck. At least I tend to think this is not a permantent damage to a project and opening an earlier copy (from the autosaves) of this particular widget in a different UE version (4.25) will do .

Can confirm it’s still happening in 4.26.1, didn’t have this problem yesterday but I think I used ‘replace with child’ and then undid it in this widget. Needless to say my project is unplayable right now and rebuilding this widget entirely is not a pleasant option, so a quick fix would be appreciated!

Edit: Managed to copy over the widget hierarchy from a backup, and as the blueprint itself wasn’t affected patching it back up wasn’t too bad. Still potential for a lot of lost time with this bug!

Another fix was added to the future 4.26.2. You can find it on Github here:


(Previous fix: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/416b5afc844f7b732920f53a27f64a5fa951d822)

Replace operations un UMG were causing the widget to not being properly deleted and the undo of a replace operation was not working properly.

Another fix will be added to try to repair the widget and prevent data from being lost when this kind of thing happens.


Hey Vinz,

There’re still some issues in 4.26.2. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Delete a widget.
  2. Control+Z = Recovered, all works Ok.
  3. Restart editor.
  4. All widget hierarchy lost.
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Thanks for reporting this. Can you confirm how you deleted that element?

  • Select the element in the View port and press delete on your keyboard
  • Select the element in the hierarchy view and press delete on your keyboard
  • Right click in the hierarchy and choose delete
  • Other?

I will make sure to reproduce this and fix it.


Just had this happen in UE5, FWIW. Everything was working fine, I wasn’t even doing anything with UMG when it went bad. I had an error in my player character saying a Struct wasn’t matching a data table (something like that, I restarted and that went away since it wasn’t true). Upon that restart, I tried to play and got an error about a widget missing a text reference. When I checked it out, I got that same message others posted. I tried deleting the offending file and re-getting it from P4, but it craps out each time I open it. Any way to get around this or do I have to re-make that widget? Luckily it’s not too complicated, but it did have animations which I can’t seem to get working in UE5 now.

Seems that bugs are moved from UE4 to UE5, maybe they will fix them in UE6 :wink:
At least I hope there are backup features enabled by default in UE5, so you won’t lose your progress so easily!

This just happened to me in UE5 early access 2 after removing a canvas panel in a hierarchy. I can not state if it was caused by undoing and redoing modifications on the parent hierarchy or by wrapping/unwraping replacing

Happening in 4.27.1 for us while attempting to upgrade the project from 4.25

Only happening in this specific widget BP, and only for WB_Slot_CombatDifficulty which is a child of WB_SettingSlot widget used for the rest of the settings in the menu.
Copying this part of the hierarchy from the working 4.25 project fixes it in the current editor session (the widget starts to compile), but after closing and reloading the project, it breaks again in the same fashion, so the latest launcher build is unusable for us in this state.

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I think we have to open a bug report and refer to this thread, but I do not know how to do it properly.

Also happened like this is some major thing. 4.27

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