[ue4] day/night cycle with dark interiors

Without SVOGI, I fear UE4 may not be well suited for this, but I’m trying to come up with a good solution for a fully dynamic day/night cycle while maintaining darker interiors. Having interiors take on the same brightness level as the global environmental light level is not desirable (a big shortcoming of CryEngine 3). A perfect example of what I’m trying to achieve is what you would see in the S.TA.L.K.E.R. series. My criteria would be:

-Movable directional light that casts dynamic shadows.
-Pitch black nights.
-Interiors that are appropriately dark.

The ideal solution would be to bake all of the interior lighting with a static skylight, and adjust the lightmap brightness/tint at runtime, but I doubt that is possible. Any input would be appreciated.

LPV does dynamic GI, but with poor quality. You could try out distance field GI which is experimental at the moment, or try out Nvidia’s VXGI, which is available for download from Nvidia’s UE4 branch.

What about adjusting the lightmaps programmatically?