Hi All…I’ve just lost 3 times now my post when trying to post in Answer Hub so I’m popping it in here and hoping someone is able to assist or shed some light.
I have recently installed Octane for UE4 to test with projects I do for work. I have only just installed it yesterday. Now it works and is giving results I’m extremely happy with. I am using the demo version before making a purchase of the renderer to ensure I’ll be happy. However ever since I installed it when I close UE4 a few seconds later it brings up a crash report. I have searched the web to see if anyone else has has similar issues but haven’t found anything yet. My system specs are pretty high as I"m using Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit Developer, 128GB RAM, and a Ryzon Threadripper 16 cores, the GPU is an NVidia Geforce2080 8GB. Attached is the latest log file received after it decided to crash, but just wondering if anyone has experienced this and possibly why this would be happening? I did migrate some older projects (before my time) to run tests with and thinking it didn’t like some of the data so decided to import FBX from scratch. It hasn’t crashed while working in UE4 but crashed when I closed down. Any assistance would be helpful.