UE4 can only detect one xbox controller at a time

My game is a local four player game, and I’m trying to test it out with two xbox controllers but Unreal can only detect one controller at a time.

I know the multiplayer works because my computer is always “PlayerController” and the xbox controller is “PlayerController1”, and I can play a game with two players.
I can also confirm that PlayerController2 and 3 do exist.

Also, it doesn’t matter which controller I use, if I only use a single controller (either one) then it will work perfectly, but when I turn on both controllers, one will work and the other might as well not exist in UE4, my computer can use them both, but UE only sees one.

I’ve seen this asked a bunch of times but never really answered, the most legit answer I’ve found is:

But I can’t find where that setting is, and have no idea what he’s talking about.