UE4 can not create Actor class C++

I tried to create empty class to generate mazes. It was sucefulty created. But without “game” class(actor, gamemode etc) hot reload doesn’t work. In Visual Studio 2017 I got an error “Missing some .dll”. When I tried to create a Actor class, it gave me an error like this:

CompilerResultsLog: ERROR: 'D:/Home/Volodya/Projects/Games/UE4/TestingSomething/TestingSomething/Intermediate/Build/Win64/UE4Editor/Inc/TestingSomething/TWall.generated.h': Changes to generated code are not allowed - conflicts written to 'D:/Home/Volodya/Projects/Games/UE4/TestingSomething/TestingSomething/Intermediate/Build/Win64/UE4Editor/Inc/TestingSometh
CompilerResultsLog: Error: UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'TestingSomethingEditor' (platform: Win64, module info: D:\Home\Volodya\Projects\Games\UE4\TestingSomething\TestingSomething\Intermediate\Build\Win64\TestingSomethingEditor\Development\TestingSomethingEditor.uhtmanifest, exit code: OtherCompilationError (5)).

Please help me!1!

Delete Intermediate folder in you project directory and regenerate VS project file (right click uproject file). Hot reload is sometimes unstable so expect things to sometimes not work right, in that case close editor and compile without editor open (hot reload compiles extra dlls to preform safe dll hot swap between old one and new, with editor closed it will build main dll files) and if you get any error related to files inside Intermediate folder do as i said in beginning.

yes, thanks. But now, when I compiled this Actor class, it’s not shwoing in content browser. Threre are UCLASS() and GENERATED_BODY() marks.

Help, please!