UE4 and Visual Studio 2015

Anybody tested vs2015 Update 2 RC ? Is it supported by UE? Will the support be added in 4.11 ?

Hi N8tiv,

Just to confirm, you want to use VS 2013 instead of VS 2015? You can still do this, but keep in mind that we do plan to drop support for VS 2013 at some point. To be able to use VS 2013, you need to build the Engine from source code (the Binary version of the Engine defaults to use VS 2015). Once you have downloaded the source code and run Setup.bat, you will want to run GenerateProjectFiles.bat with the -2013. This will give you a VS 2013 solution to build the Engine. There may still be some trouble when creating code projects though since the default for 4.10 is VS 2015. Your best option would be to create new code projects in your Engine root folder. When you do that, you would use the Engine’s solution file to work with the project code, so you would still be using VS 2013 when working on your project’s code.

Hi, does Unreal 4.11 work with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2?

edit, several days later: yes, it does. No problems.

You can run the visual studio installer using the --layout option from the command line. This will prompt you for a download location prior to actually installing the suite. It will also let u save the offline install files for later use or other PC installations.

Thank you :slight_smile:

So I just updated to the latest release source, and apparently am having the same described behavior as above.

I can’t see any of the game templates. EVERYTHING else works just fine, but I can’t understand why I won’t be able to see the templates or start a project from one

also note that the files of all templates are up to date and right where they’re supposed to be

Thanks in advance!


Is that some kind of a must-have? I also dont see any game templates when I want to create a new project with Visual Studio. But why is that important? I create my Visual Studio projects using the “Unreal Engine 4 Editor - New Project” dialog. Isn’t that good enough?

It’s just weird that they’re not there…

Apparently I figured it out. I have been using my fork, keeping it merged witht he origin/release. BUT it seems like it’s not syncing the templates folder properly. I got them back when I downloaded and copy/paste the template folder from the epic repo into my local repo folder. I hope this helps.

IT’s weird right?

Are you looking for Unreal Templates inside Visual Studio? Why can’t you create the project/solution through the Launcher/Compiled Editor? Maintaining Visual Studio Templates is a pita so I don’t see this as an issue:) Most if not all projects should start from within the Launcher? Or am I mistaken/missing something?

You may need to uninstall VS’ redistributables and reinstall them via the epic games launcher as soon as you download a newer version of the engine.

The launcher recently updated and now my project will not load, throwing the following popup error:

The program can’t start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

After searching the documentation and AnswerHub databases, the only answer I could find was that 4.10 and beyond needs VSC2015.
(I use VSC2013)

The thing is, the project is version 4.8.3.
Why am I getting an error that, as near as I can tell, is related to a version of the engine Im not even using(not even installed!)?


You may need to uninstall VS’ redistributables and reinstall them via the epic games launcher as soon as you download a newer version of the engine.

Why Do I get this WARNİNG??

I don’t quite understand why UE4.11 requires VS2015 to be installed while the source code of version 4.11 is able to run on VS2013?

Hi ,

Sorry for not responding sooner. The reason you need to have VS2015 installed is because the Engine uses the VS2015 toolchain when building. You are able to use the VS2013 IDE to write and edit code if you wish, but when you build it needs to have VS2015 to complete that process.

I have the same error with you.Did you finished it?

@anonymous_user_dab78f8f - This can be resolved by downloading the VS 2015 installer from Microsoft –> Running it and choosing custom installation. –> Adding the need C++ file and the Window SDK v8.1 packages.

This process is not overlay long as the install will skip none needed parts and only add needed files and updates.

how to connect UE 4.12.0 with C++?