UE4 and Visual Studio 2015


Currently, the only version of Visual Studio that will work with UE4 are Express for Windows Desktop, Community, Professional, and Enterprise. The Linux version of UE4 has come a long way, mostly through help from the community. Clang is the compiler that is used on Linux, but I have minimal experience with Linux so I can’t provide much help in that area unfortunately.

Hey ,

I am currently using VS 2015 Enterprise and seem not to be able to build the engine from source.
Using the latest release from MASTER that is.
Here’s the issue on the answer hub: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/340656/visual-studio-2015-batch-building-error.html

Is this just on my end or?

Thanks in advance,


Same issue.

Unreal Engine 4.10.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise
Windows 8.1

Same issue here after upgrading Visual Studio Express 2015 for Windows Desktop to Update 1.

Found the issue, the installer doesn’t install C++ by default anymore. You’re gonna want to modify it by initiating the uninstall tool and selecting “Modify” from Modify, Repair and Uninstall

Select Modify and then check Programming Language -> C++

That option is not available with the installer for the Express edition of visual studio.

Starter Pack on 4.10 and Visual Studio C++

… many thanks for your supports… my problem is, I need “Animation Starter Pack” for 4.10 … because it`s not exist yet, I should move to 4.9 and then install vs 2013 which is … hard thou … I do C++ project for touch screens and really need that “Animation Starter Pack” works on 4.10 …
Please let me know your suggestions… : ) ,


Create a temporary 4.9 blueprint-only project (no need for Visual Studio 2013), add the Animation Starter pack to that project, then migrate the assets to your real (4.10) project.

After that you can delete the temporary project if you wish.

Use the Community edition, not the Express editions.

Find folder c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64 and rename it to amd64_

I just wanted to provide everyone with an update on the status of using Visual Studio 2015 with UE4. With the recent release of 4.10, Visual Studio 2015 is now the default Windows IDE. If you are building the Engine from source code, you can still use Visual Studio 2013 by using the -2013 command line argument.

We do plan on phasing out support for Visual Studio 2013 at some point, but that is still waiting for a few outstanding issues to be resolved.

It looks like VS 2015 Express includes an amd64 folder that only contains vcmeta.dll, whereas previous Express editions didn’t have an amd64 folder at all (the 64-bit toolchain isn’t support in Express editions). One way to fix it in code would be to modify GetPlatformVSToolPath in VCEnvironement.cs to check if amd64\cl.exe exists, in addition to just checking if the amd64 folder exists.

Hey guys,

I have a clean install of UE4 4.10.1, Visual Studio 2015 Community and I’m getting build errors when trying to create and a launch a C++ project:

Any ideas? Maybe the build system is having trouble with accented letters in the file path?

Visual studio is also giving me the same error

It would be more helpful if you could copy the error message and past it (some of the message is cut off of your screenshot).
But it appears to be an issue regarding PCH(Pre-Compiled Header).

MSVC requires that every header has the PCH as the first include(unless that has changed since VS 2010).


Here you go:

Visual studio giving the same missing file error. Is there anything I should be doing before trying to build a c++ project?

Thanks for the help

I also had this problem recently. I created a .bat file that will clear out unnecessary folders/files from your project. Not necessary but nice if you are on winblows.

I ran this bat file, all it does is delete intermediate,saved,binaries, and build folders and files.

then i generated vs prj files from uproject right-click menu.

set the default start up prj in vs2015 to your project (to ensure ue4 prj isnt startup prj)

rebuild with desired params and boom error gone, for me atleast.

Tried your steps manually to no avail, same error. I’m pretty sure the problem is in the file path. This is the Visual Studio output from a manual build:

I’m fairly certain the build system is not escaping the accented character correctly thus ******** up the file path. I haven’t had this problem compiling my own stuff with the 2013 version though so guess I’ll have to start looking for workarounds

Turns out I was right, I simply changed the path to C:\UnrealProjects with no accented characters and had no problems at all so it seems like a bug with the build system.

I need to compile from source because I need x86 Android support, my phone is Zenfone 2.

Failed to build from source, I have Nvidia CodeWorks 1R4 install because it works with VS 2015. I get the UE4 release on GitHub, run GenerateProjectFiles.bat -2015, (otherwise it will create solution for VS 2013), but build with 4 errors.

My question on AnswerHub.

Problem solved.

Thanks! That’s exactly what I’ve done (commit ec9828a742b3b0febd8e37134a84e6ce06e15173). It will be in the next preview release.

-> Go to Google
-> Writte : Unreal Engine 4 visual studio 2015
-> First result
-> This post
-> Read date of the post : 07-21-2015, 07:43 PM
-> Read again the month
-> Cry
-> Download Visual Studio 2013
-> Cry again