Now that Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2015, and they are encouraging people to use their latest version, I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that Unreal Engine 4 does not currently support Visual Studio 2015. Yet. We are working on finalizing support for Visual Studio 2015, and it will be coming soon in a future release version. For now, please continue to use Visual Studio 2013 as we will not be able to provide support for Visual Studio 2015 until the Engine officially supports it.
Please see the forum post for links and more information.
Hello. I recently formatted my hard drive and updated visual studio to visual studio 2015, but now i cant use unreal engine 4 becuase it doesnt know that i have it (it only supports vs2013).
how can i make it intergate with visual studio 2015?
or when is the next update that will make it support visual studio 2015?
(sorry for my english, im not a native speaker)
This should work for versions of the Engine built from source code once 4.9 releases (we may not have the 4.9 binary version of the Engine working with Visual Studio 2015). The current 4.9 Preview 1 will not work with Visual Studio 2015, though.
I have assigned myself to this post, so if there are any additional questions please feel free to add them here or on the forum post that qdelpeche mentioned (I’m subscribed to that post as well).
For 4.9 Update 3, the message has changed and mentions Visual Studio 2015, but the project conversion (from 4.7) still fails.
Error message:
Running E:/Prog/UE4Launcher/Epic Games/4.9/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“E:/Prog/ProyectoTorre/ProyectoTorre 4.9/ProyectoTorre.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Visual Studio 2012, 2013 or 2015 must be installed in order to build this target.
Epic staffer 's forum post provided an update (Sept 1) that describes VS2015 support as Beta and doesn’t recommend it for production:
Update: With the release of 4.9 yesterday, support for Visual Studio 2015 has been partially implemented. It is currently only available when building the 4.9 Engine from source code. In order to be able to use Visual Studio 2015 with 4.9, you must run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat file with the “-2015” argument. This will create a Visual Studio 2015 solution for the Engine. Omitting the -2015 argument will result in a Visual Studio 2013 solution.
Visual Studio 2015 support is still considered to be in Beta, so we do not recommend using it for active project development at this point. If you experience any problems with using Visual Studio 2015 with the Engine, please let us know on the AnswerHub.
(emphasis mine)
So it sounds like you can go nuts and create new questions if you run into problems.
The latest version of UE4 works with VS2015 by going to the 4.9 file in your Program Files then Engine > Estras > UnrealVS > VS2015 and clicking on the program found therein