Hello, as you can see in the videos below, the code I made in Ue4 does not work in Ue5, there is no difference. I do everything exactly the same. Is there a change in Ue5 related to AI Move To or navmesh?
Hey @Slygear!
First things first: If you’re copy/pasting… you’re gonna run into this constantly as the nodes have individual IDs that get changed between versions.
Now, if you’re Not doing that, as far as I can tell your code is fine here. Maybe Target isn’t getting set? You can also try to put in a destination using GetActorLocation?
Give that a shot and let us know what happens!
I used Get Actor Location but unfortunately it didn’t work. I have no idea why I’m facing such a problem, I’ve tried many things but I still can’t solve it.
Hmm. BP_Build should have an ID after it like BP_Build_0 when printed.
Try using an IsValid? check (gray one) and passing in “Target” before running the AI MoveTo.
Is this returning any sort of errors in the window after you stop the game?
You can try making “Target” a public variable then selecting the NPC and dragging the BP_Build into the variable to set it pre-load, as well.
BP_Build is valid and does not give any errors.
I have tried many solutions on this forum, but it still doesn’t work. If I can’t solve the problem tomorrow, I will try it in the old version of Ue5. For example, I can try to use version 5.1.1, but I don’t think that will solve the problem. I don’t think it is related to Ue 5.5.1
Hmm, AI move to not working - #15 by Muda_Gaming has a lot of solutions for this, and it looks like there are a few things that could be causing it.
Have you tried giving it a vector location you know for sure it can reach instead of giving it the location of the BP_Build? It might be failing because it knows it can’t go inside the hole in the navmesh the BP_Build is creating.
I tried the solutions in the topic you directed, but none of them solved my problem. I tried something like this in case it can’t reach the point it needs to go to and it solved the problem, but this is not a solution I want. Because I don’t want AI to get into the mesh. It doesn’t make sense that the same system works in Ue4 but not in Ue5.
Oh. I see. I went up to check just in case.
On your moveTo, your acceptance radius is 6cm. That’s 6cm from the root of the object, which is still IN the object. It knows it can’t do that, so it fails to pathfind.
If you just raise the acceptance radius it should work fine. That’s a very, very low one, 100 should be good!
I tried to increase the Acceptance Radius as you said, but unfortunately the problem is not solved. I am currently downloading Ue 5.1.1 version, if it solves this problem, I will let you know.
As you can see in the video, the same code works in Ue 5.1.1.
Ue 5.1.1
Ue 5.5.1
Okay then. That means this is officially a version bug, would you mind filling out the bug report? The Unreal Engine bug submission form can be found here. When submitting a report, we highly encourage everyone to include images and videos, but any and all details are helpful!
We may reach out if more information is needed.
I filled out the form as detailed as I could. I hope this problem will be solved as soon as possible. I don’t want to go back to version 5.1
If you decide you want to use Behavior trees, I can confirm that the MoveTo Tasks on the BT work just fine! I’m working on a 5.5.1 project that relies on it heavily- So I guarantee no bugs there!
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