**Which section do you wish to post in: C++ PROGRAMMING + USING EU4 **
I am new to EU4, and I wonder if there’s any way to connect with MySQL C ++,
I posted a couple of questions I’d better make a game with programming or blueprints, by that I mean the connection and all.
// ask about is better programming or blueprint // EventGraph vs Programation / Mysql + C++ (Database) / Launcher / Pay or Free ? - Community & Industry Discussion - Unreal Engine Forums
// Ask about connect //https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?81294-C-gt-Mysql-(can-server-)
Nobody seems to be responding to complex things like connections, threads, asynchronous, chats or other.
From my point of view, any connection that can manage through my code is better.
Someone can provide me a guide for connecting to mysql c ++?