UE4 4.27 Chaos Preview 2 BUG: Opacity Mask Shadows broke on Raytrace Ambient Occlusion

[UE4 Broken Raytrace shadow masks - Album on Imgur]

So this update completely broke my character shading. (Which involved exporting the mesh with an outline mesh on it then giving that the proper masked outline material)

The only workaround I’ve figured out (Since I heavily use sequencer) is duplicating the character to create an ‘outline character’ and then turning off cast shadows on it while hiding the outline material from the original mesh.
Then I have to duplicate the entire animation and all changes made to the original to the outline character in the sequencer.

I think I still have my preview 1 source build around so i’ll go back to that.
Edit: Nope. Map data gone because autosaved while I was trying to figure out the problem. Wonderful.

Hmm… Despite the workflow change, it IS less buggy in terms of shadows doing it this way within a blueprint.
But to solve the duplicating animation in Sequencer, I have an idea. I just opened up the “SlayAnimationSample” Project to learn how they set things up and Echo seems to be a couple of meshes combined within blueprints under 1 skeletal mesh that gets animated.

If I can pull that off too with Blueprints and have the outline mesh pointed to the parent character skeleton instead of using its own then that’s a perfect workaround!

Edit: Son of a gun! It works! ‘Set master pose bone’, under blueprint construction script, can target the outline mesh to the original’s skeleton animation! PHEW!

Still. Even if I found a workaround for characters here. I wonder how ambient occlusion is affected elsewhere and if those shadows look buggy as well? Might not be obvious for awhile.